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The Way of Wabi Sabi Collage - Student Exhibition 2024

What Remains

Welcome to ‘What Remains” a student exhibition that celebrates the beauty of the passage of time and what remains. These collages are
inspired by the Japanese aesthetic of Wabi Sabi, where nothing lasts, nothing is perfect, and nothing is complete.

Wabi Sabi is an appreciation of the beauty of things imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete.  It can be viewed as a way of life, but it also can be described in terms of what happens to things in nature and things that are man-made after the passage of time. Things become rusty, weathered, textured, worn, torn and yellowed. The viewer is invited to look at the smaller details and find the beauty in what remains after the effects of time, weather and usage. 

“What Remains” can be seen visibly in a language of discoloration, rust, tarnish, stain, warping, shrinking, shrivelling, scars, dents, and peeling due to the passage of time and weathering.  “What remains” can also be felt in our memories and feelings from our childhood or more recent experiences.

Participants were encouraged to see their world in a different lens and look for the smaller details and imperfections. They were encouraged to experiment and try new ways to create collage papers and push themselves towards more meaningful and personal expressions. They also found new and creative ways to use Japanese washi papers in their collages. By looking for more personal expression, they discovered a deeper connection to their work and themselves. 

As you look through this exhibition, I hope you see what I see… that each individual worked on their own unique style and artistic voice. I hope you see their bravery and dedication to finding their own identity.  And I hope you find 
the beauty and creativity in “What Remains.”

I am very honored to be a guide and support to artists who are on their own journey of self discovery and I hope you find inspiration among these beautiful works and the artists’ personal expressions.  Join me in viewing this unique journey. 

Donna Watson 

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We are delighted to announce that this online student exhibition is soon available to be purchased as a book from Peecho!  By clicking the below link you can purchase the online student exhibition as a hardcopy and have it on hand whenever you want to share with others. Please note that Peecho is a third party book printing company and we have no control over the postage costs to your destination.

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