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Creating with Courage - Student Exhibition 2022

Transformation: Creative Alchemy
al·che·my noun
• a medieval chemical science and speculative philosophy aiming to achieve the transmutation of the base metals into gold,
• a seemingly magical process of transformation, creation, or combination.

"The alchemy way more precious than turning lead into gold is the transformation of how we see ourselves and this world.”

I have had the honour of witnessing the beautiful humans in this course perform the magical act of alchemy. They took the discards of our consumer culture and questioned their beliefs about what is valuable? What is ugly? And what is beautiful? They transformed those objects while simultaneously exploring their own internal stories and judgments. They found ways to honour waste and ordinary objects, not just through acceptance but by elevating them to works of art. And while the alchemy may have looked and even felt magical at times, it was the simple, brave act of showing up and being open to different ways that made it successful.

They courageously let go of the “right” way to do things and embraced play and exploration. Allowing themselves to create in new and sometimes uncomfortable ways. I am blown away by the work created in this course. Whether represented in these pages or not, every participant in the course is a successful creative alchemist. What you will see in this exhibit is bravery, originality, and authentic creativity. I invite you to savour every detail and bold choice.

Clarissa Callesen
Sculptor, Installation Artist, Instructor

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