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Form to Freedom - Student Exhibition 2022

Binding Connections

My online course, Form to Freedom is designed to help people to learn very ancient, traditional basketry techniques but to use them for personal expression over function. In this release, we started using a silly made-up word “explorimentation” to mean the freedom to play, mix materials and not be bound by expectation. The astounding new fibre-artists in this exhibition have taken that to heart and created gasp-making and smile-breaking work.
These were made simultaneously, all over the world; in different seasons, urban, coastal and rural environments often from found materials and by people operating in varying modalities and with levels of experience, in almost all cases, absolute beginner weavers. I’m sure you’ll agree they shine. Sadly, many were also made during the intense isolation of Covid lockdowns. In recent years, our lives have been changed by forces outside our control. I chose the theme Binding Connections as, not only are making these fibres hold together without adhesives, but we are bravely holding ourselves together with our art-making, honouring connections to places and people we love. Seeing these beautiful creations published together makes my heart swell.

Harriet Goodall

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We are delighted to announce that this online student exhibition is now ready to be purchased as a book from Peecho!  By clicking the below link - you can purchase the online student exhibition as a hardcopy and have it on hand whenever you need it to share with others. Please note that Peecho is a third party book printing company and we have no control over the postage costs to your destination.

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