Making Connections - Student Exhibition 2022
A Note From…
Through the closely observed and documented notes of ‘place, and the diverse exploration of the mixed media and stitch process’, Making Connections students, have taken the time to explore the world around them and delve a little deeper into their creative practice. Each work in this exhibition invites you in to explore further, capturing the sense of a ‘moment, or of ‘time stopped’. Underlying the work is the daily connection students made to each other as they shared ideas and explored themes, some even sending postcards to each other. I am delighted to be able to share the resulting beautiful and diverse works with you and in a sense continuing to pass a ‘Note From’ one to another in celebration.
Cas Holmes
This online art course is open for enrolment!
You can enrol in this course anytime of the year! Courses available On-Demand include lifetime access to the course content, resources and online private Student Hub. Visit the Making Connections course page for more information.
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