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Free yourself from artistic rules and
become the artist you are meant to be!


Join Perfectly Imperfect - Discovering Your Visual Language with Lorna Crane

A unique online experience for all levels of artists looking to
leave fear and judgment behind and uncover their unique visual language.





Through the soft and serious teachings of Lorna, I found freedom in creating; for the first time in my life, I can show my work with confidence, I even feel like I did not make it, I found it!

– Ingela Edkvist


As an individual process, several challenges commonly arise during this journey, including...

Lack of Clarity: Many people struggle with articulating their creative vision or have a vague idea of what they want to convey visually.

Comparisons and Imitation: It’s natural to be inspired by other artists and their styles. However, comparing oneself to others too much or imitating their work can impede the development of your authentic visual language.

Fear of Failure: Experimentation is crucial in finding a visual language, but the fear of failure,  judgment or criticism can hinder the exploration process.

Lorna Crane knows that the fear of making mistakes, self-doubt, and criticism will hold you back as an artist. She understands first-hand how important it is to cultivate self-confidence, embrace imperfections and find a connection with your materials to allow yourself to grow and evolve creatively.

Lorna also knows overcoming challenges requires self-reflection, creative exploration, and a willingness to step outside one’s comfort zone.

Her course aims to help you through this process so you can…

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Gain the confidence to speak about your work.

Discover your artistic identity.

Chart a path towards your artistic aspirations.

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Make a Set of Brushes

Creating your own set of beautiful handmade brushes is the first step in unlocking your potential. A time to celebrate and cherish by recording their first marks in your own paper artbook.


Discover Your Visual Language

You’ll discover what makes your heart sing by experimenting with found objects, mark making, collage, asemic journal writing, hand painting cloth, machine and hand stitch through a series of exercises.


Create Objects of Desire

Surprised by your work’s new level of sophistication, turn your hand-painted cloth into a series of perfectly imperfect scrolls, fabric books, vessels and finished artworks that document this special time and place.


This course was just what was needed to re-ignite my imagination with a sense of excitement to get back into the studio and explore, experiment and simply play.

– Sue Conner

  • Embark on a transformative journey with Lorna as your guide, rediscovering your creative spark amidst the landscapes that inspire her. With her expert guidance, craft your own set of brushes tailored to amplify your mark-making abilities, and delve into the ritual of dipping them into ink for the first time.

  • Release yourself from artistic constraints as you explore beyond the brush, experimenting with diverse mediums on recycled papers to unveil your individual visual language. Through exercises in collage, journal writing, and fabric painting, embrace the freedom to let go of expectations and discover the depths of your creativity.

  • Transform hand-painted cloth into layered masterpieces, adding sophistication and depth to your future projects. Explore the art of collage and bookmaking, creating perfectly imperfect objects that reflect your unique perspective and inner journey.

  • Immerse yourself in Lorna's stories and artistic legacy, finding inspiration to craft your own narrative. Under her guidance, create a hand-stitched journal or vessel that serves as a tangible record of this transformative time, capturing the essence of your artistic journey and personal growth.
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About This Course
Take a look at what awaits you...

Click the PLAY icon below to watch the video

The course helped me to seek and find intention in my process and to embrace failures along the way. I would encourage anyone to enrol on any of Lorna's courses. She is a remarkable antidote to self-doubt. A wonderfully positive experience.

– Margaret Earle


Course Modules

Here’s how your journey unfolds…




Take a walk with Lorna and discover some of her favourite places where she draws inspiration from her landscape. Learn to select the best wood for brush making and forage for found objects to incorporate in your artwork. You’ll be inspired to get out in nature, finding inspiration and creating a deeper connection with your favourite place.



Lorna welcomes you into her studio and shares her very first collection of handmade brushes and how they have influenced her work over the years. Lorna will instruct you step by step in making your own set of 5 brushes that are the most robust and versatile when it comes to your mark making. Lorna even includes two extra bonus brushes for you to try!



Dipping your brushes into ink for the first time is something to be celebrated and recorded. Lorna takes you through not only the practical steps from the best workstation practices, paper selection and demonstrating how to create your own record book of marks, but also takes you deeper into the stillness and poetry of these precious first marks.


Moving beyond the brush you’ll start to free yourself of the rules during the overdrawing and underdrawing experience. Using a variety of mark making mediums and tools you’ll experiment on a variety of found and recycled papers, discovering each marks unique properties that allow your individual visual language to emerge.


This module is an enlightening experience. Through a series of exercises in letting go including collage, asemic journal writing and book making, Lorna shares with you her first mark making work and personal journal writing. Lorna often sees a spark in her students’ eyes during this stage of the discovery process as you learn to further let go of set expectations.


With a limited pallet, you’ll create a series of hand-painted cloths using a mixture of fabric and techniques, including backwashing and mono printing.  In the end you’ll have a collection of amazing fabric to be used in later modules and projects. You’ll be surprised by the variety of layers that can be created, adding sophistication and depth to your future work.


Experiment with collage using paper and cloth, make a scroll and three beautiful cloth sampler books that are perfectly imperfect objects of desire. Here Lorna will challenge you to look deeper into your work and embellish your creations with subversive stitch, discovering how it has a unique way of allowing you to dig deeper into your inner self.


Through shared stories and a detailed look into Lorna’s past and new body of work, she opens up a world of possibilities for you to start your own story. Under Lorna’s expert guidance she will prepare you to make your own hand stitched journal or vessel that truly reflects your voice as an artist. A keeper of your memories to record this time and place in your life.

I loved finding my true self and breaking years of creative constipation!! I loved learning about inks, exploring fabrics, creating the brushes and making marks. I love the satisfaction of finishing a vessel. I loved Lorna and her approach; so inspiring and calm. I loved the way it was filmed. Thank you all so much.

– Kerryn Benbow


Here’s how everything in this
course comes together

Resource Guides - Lorna Crane


Once enrolled you will have instant and lifetime access to the entire course so you can go through the modules at your own pace, refresh, rewind and revisit anytime you like.

By fully engaging with the course content, you will be able to develop your own signature style and talk more confidently about your work and who you are as an artist.


Having an online community of fellow creatives exploring new creative approaches is an extraordinary experience. Past participants of our programs have experienced significant breakthroughs by being exposed to the works of other members. They have been particularly inspired by fresh ideas from viewing other students’ creations. Therefore, we are delighted to offer all On-Demand students lifetime access to the exclusive Fibre Arts Take Two Student Hub, an even more expansive space to connect, feel inspired, and learn. 

“The community has been such a blessing, and I’m honoured to see what everyone has created and shared continually” – Eunice Rieken.

World Wide Community  - Lorna Crane
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Here’s how we make sure you grow your creativity

Whether you’re here to learn a new technique.

Are inspired to improve a technique you already love.

Or you feel the pull to test and use every technique and process.

You may even want to spend 90% of your time just on ONE module.

The most important thing is that you are free to EXPLORE and make this unique program work for YOU.

From letting go of perfection to embracing the unknown, the lessons you learn in this course will stay with you far beyond the studio.

“There’s something really special about not knowing what you’re going to make and just to be instinctual about it. It’s ok to break free.” Lorna Crane

View Past Students Work Here

Click the image below to flip through an online exhibition by Form to Freedom alumni.


Lorna Crane belongs to a group of artists who feel a reverential connection to the earth (the elements, wind, rain, heat, dust, growth and decay) and immerse themselves in it: their body, gestures, and choice of materials. Their work is a kind of choreography of the bush, a down-and-dirty embracing of it, utilising methods that often mimic how nature itself behaves, how it evolves, forms and dissolves. As such, the works rely less on what is before the eye and more on what the senses tell us; the resulting imagery is an experience rather than a depiction of something.

– Robert Hollingworth


Are you ready to discover who you are as an artist and create artwork that truly reflects your unique voice?

A lifetime of learning and exploration awaits.


  • 8 Modules with Individual Video Lessons

  • Comprehensive Resource Guides

  • Lifetime Access

  • Private Facebook Student Hub

  • Learn at Your Own Pace

  • Professionally Filmed Content

Today's Price

$249 USD

Payment plans
available at checkout

Curious if you're the right fit for Perfectly Imperfect?


If you’re willing to break free from the rules and let go of your limitations as an artist, you’re in the right place. 

If the idea of learning new processes and techniques that will elevate your work to a new level of sophistication gets you excited… look no further.

If you desire to reconnect with your story and deepen your art practice to talk confidently about your work, this course will help.

If you want to create beautiful handmade brushes, books and vessels and move forward confidently, knowing who you are as an artist and what makes your heart sing….then this course is the perfect fit for you.


Our promise of excellence

A message from Fibre Arts Take Two

You’re here because you’re searching for your visual language; you want to let go of the rules that often hold you back creatively. You want to learn techniques and exercises that empower you to create artwork that makes your heart sing under the guidance of an experienced tutor within a structured and empowering learning environment through a tried and tested course that has delivered life-changing results for many artists before you.  And it’s our promise to help you do nothing short of that. 

It’s important you know that the Fibre Arts Take Two production is professionally delivered with the highest standard - giving you an audio-visual experience that’s second to none. In doing so, we value collaborating with some of the most impressive thought leaders in the mixed media industry, and we value their lifetime worth of knowledge and intellectual property that they pour into this creative and educational development for you. It’s our hope to attract the type of creatives who hold these same values in return.

To protect the integrity of our community and the artists we represent, all purchases for Perfectly Imperfect are final.

Please know that our supportive and available team is always here to answer questions - either before, during, or after your investment, to ensure that you get the best experience as a member.

If you have any questions at any time, never hesitate to reach out to our customer service team at support@fibreartstaketwo.com, who are always happy to help!

 Course types offered
by Fibre Arts Take Two


Fibre Arts Take Two now proudly offers two types of courses.
The below will help you better understand the differences between our two offerings.

Access to the Course for Life
Live Q&A Sessions
8 Weeks of Tutor Interaction
Online Exhibition
Facebook Student Alumni Community Group
Facebook Hub for On-Demand Students
Learn at Your Own Pace
Comprehensive Resource Guides
Professionally Filmed Content
Signature Course
On-Demand Course

Lorna Crane’s workshops offer an unparalleled artistic experience.

She is one of the most dedicated, talented, and gifted artists I’ve had the pleasure of knowing. I count Lorna among the most important artists working today. Her students will gain a wealth of information about materials and techniques, but will also greatly appreciate Lorna’s abilities to bring the spirit of play and experimentation into making compelling artwork.

– Allison B Cooke


Meet Lorna Crane

Hi, I’m Lorna, and if I weren’t an artist, I would be a teacher.
I love sharing and am excited to share with you what I have learnt during my 40 years as a professional artist in my first online course.

It hasn’t always been easy; in fact, there are times in my life when I really doubted myself. After all these years of working and exhibiting, I now realise that it wouldn’t be healthy if I didn’t have those doubts and fears. I love sharing those moments with people because I know what that’s like.

This course is about finding your artistic voice, your own visual language. I’ll guide you through every step of the way by making your brushes, exploring your mark making and a series of projects to create objects of desire to record this time and this place.

If you’re a textile artist, you’ll probably do lots of stitching; if you’re a mixed media artist, you’ll probably use a lot of different mediums. It’ll be quite different from being in a class, but there’s a special quality about having this time of isolation of just being you and doing it at your own pace.

Perfectly imperfect is just the best compliment anybody could give me. 

"It’s going to be a time of deep discovery." Lorna

Meet Your Tutor...

  • 8 modules and 8 hours of beautifully filmed content.
    • Module 2: BRUSHMAKING
    • Module 3: THE FIRST MARKS
  • Learn at your own pace lifetime curriculum access.
  • Downloadable Resource Guides and Material Lists.
  • Lifetime access to the student community so you can
    continue to engage with other students.

All that you need to find your visual language and set yourself free as an artist is in this course!

A lifetime of learning and exploration awaits.


  • 8 Modules with Individual Video Lessons

  • Comprehensive Resource Guides

  • Lifetime Access

  • Private Facebook Student Hub

  • Learn at Your Own Pace

  • Professionally Filmed Content

Today's Price

$249 USD

Payment plans
available at checkout


What Our Students Are Saying

I loved listening to Lorna and taking on board her ways of working. She is inspiring, motivational and encouraging!

By following each of the steps, it has allowed me to view things differently and broadened my artistic language.

I would definitely recommend this course to anyone who wants to have a lot of fun, discover new ways of working, and be part of a very special group.


Although I am an experienced fiber artist, I have never created my own brushes or vessels.

The intimacy of handmade brushes and the resulting marks will influence my work for years to come.

Lorna Crane is one of the best instructors I have experienced. The FATT modules and materials are excellent and well worth the expense of the course.

I feel that I have honed my visual language through the exercises in this course, and I look forward to working through the exercises again in the future.

Stef Meisel 01

This course opened up a way of seeing, a way of exploring, a way to enjoy the "mistakes" and just feel what worked for me.

It began with the exploration of where I live and then making brushes from what I found--a brilliant way of shifting my thinking. 

The course is a beautiful unfolding of processes, materials and learnings. Make sure you have time to find your own rhythm in the course. You may not do it in sequence or "finish", but well worth the time and effort! It is a joy to learn from Lorna.

Trina Duncan_IMG_0694

I enjoyed every single step, but the most freeing process was the mark-making with the brushes. It was a blast!

This class taught me especially to make more complex work by deconstructing, reconstructing and layering.

This class is wonderful and packed with many different processes. Lorna takes you from brush making through the freeing process of mark making to collage, deconstructing and reconstructing, bookmaking, and finally, constructing vessels. I enjoyed every single minute!


The first step – making brushes – was a true enlightenment for me. Discovering the many varied and wonderful marks to be made was an absolute joy, giving me permission to just enjoy the journey without worrying about the outcome. Thank you!

Lorna gently led me through to the realisation that I love to represent the landscape in my work and that it is perfectly fine to concentrate on just a detail of what is in front of me. 

If you could take just one art course to help you find yourself, take Perfectly Imperfect. Lorna and the FATT team are so positive and supportive and lead you on the most amazing journey of discovery - to find your own expression. Do It!


Perfectly Imperfect permitted me to let go and trust the process. It did not take long to see my signature emerge in the marks.

Vanessa Magee_Momentary 2023_2

With Lorna’s encouragement, I was able to push through boundaries of perfection and neatness (which go way back to primary school) and to create on a more intuitive level.

I also learned that by being willing to embrace the “perfectly imperfect” and play, I could make real progress artistically.

I’d say go for it! Be willing to improvise with supplies, as that is part of the fun and will help you uncover new ways of doing things. You never know what you might discover about yourself.


Lorna provided wonderful exercises that helped me discover more about my signature in a fun, playful way.

I would recommend this course to anyone who wants to take a step toward abstract, non-figurative work. The homemade brushes are a game changer for me. With ordinary brushes, I have trouble painting in a loose, relaxed way. With these brushes, it is a piece of cake.

Femke Lania_Vessel2

The course broadened my understanding of how to make marks and allowed me to experiment with ideas and materials that I had not previously used.

Encouraging 'play' was instrumental in my development of a visual language. I feel I was encouraged to be versatile in my approach and not to be afraid of the outcomes.

Gill Davies_02

What I particularly liked about this course is that it doesn't take place in a quiet little room. Lorna encourages you to go out and consciously expand and include your view of the nature that surrounds you as a source of inspiration.

I had a lot of fun creating, trying out and playing with the self-made brushes, exploring and experimenting with them in order to get closer to my own mark-making and my own voice...I also very much enjoyed integrating fabrics, textiles and handicrafts into my art; it excited me and broadened my view of the many possibilities.

Through this course, I have definitely learned more to love my mistakes and quirks, my perfectly imperfections a little more, and to be proud of them! Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Jana Albers_clothbook beeing different

I found this course releasing! Lorna gave me permission to play with colour and line and the freedom to indulge in the process rather than an outcome. This was a new experience for me, as I usually make art through developing a concept or idea. Mark-making with my brushes assisted with the freeing process, as they often did not work as I expected, and it was the inconsistencies of these brushes that made it even more exciting.

This course is an exciting artistic journey into mark-making. 


Here are Questions that others

have frequently asked prior to joining...


(If we still need to answer yours, please contact the Fibre Arts Take Two team at
support@fibreartstaketwo.com and ask away!)

The recommended minimum requirements for this course are:

Glue Stick
Brush handles – sticks from local environment or recycled paint brushes
Brush head – plant fibres, feather
Crochet Cotton
Cloth Remnants – Pick your favourite cloth scraps and colours and even strip them down to 3cm wide strips ready for use.
Soft Brush (approx. 4cm wide) hake is good but not essential
I/2 metre assorted cloth lengths – cotton, linen or recycled offcuts no more than 1.5m in length
Sewing needle that fits the crochet cotton with a sharp end
Black Ink
A3 sketch book 150gsm
Cotton tips
Drawing materials – including pencils, markers, any type of wax crayons (limited palette)
Scraper – cardboard scraps or old credit card
Acrylic paint tubes – your choice of three colours (limited palette)
4 Butterfly clips or plastic clothes pegs
Assorted paper approx. A4 eg: old book pages, old drawing, ephemeral found papers, maps etc – again with a focus on recycle/reuse
Rags for clean up

A downloadable version can be found here.

Immediately after you enrol, you’ll receive an email with all your login details to access 8 hours of professionally filmed footage and a gamut of resources. The course begins as soon as you are ready! 

Of course! From the moment you join us - you will receive the entire eight-module Perfectly Imperfect curriculum, with access to it for life. You’ll also receive Q&A recordings from Lorna of all the most pertinent questions that have come in from the course. And to wrap it all up - Lorna has you covered with all her written resource guides and creative prompts to accompany each module!

We welcome you to join our closed student hub on Facebook, where you can interact and share your work with other participants from around the globe. Be inspired and meet other artists.

Not on Facebook? Don’t worry; you’re always invited to join the conversation!

You’ll be able to share your work with us and others using # tags that are released during the course.

Perfect if you'd love to move through a course with a group of like-minded people and feel part of a community.

On-Demand courses are designed for people who want access to top-quality training now and are happy to work through the curriculum and extensive resources (including curated videos of FAQs from past students) at their own pace. They offer an online private student community but have no official tutor interaction, live Q&As, or exhibitions. Enrolment is always open for On-Demand courses.

Great for those on a budget who still crave access to learn the techniques and processes of the world's best Fibre and Mixed Media Artists and a library of knowledge they can access for a lifetime.

Perfectly Imperfect is an On Demand online course with no official tutor interaction, live Q&As or exhibitions.

Perfectly Imperfect has been meticulously organised to help serve all walks of life - even for those who aren't overly tech-savvy. (One of the biggest differentiators we continually hear is how well organised and easy to consume the course is, plus how top-notch our customer service is!) So know that we make it simple for you to get what you need - and we are ALWAYS just a message away. You can also access everything wherever you feel most comfortable - your computer, phone, or tablet.

We have students from all around the world - therefore, we have geolocation set up to try and accommodate where we can! We currently accept USD, AUD, GBP, NZ, CA and Euro.  And if your currency wasn’t mentioned, your bank will still automatically convert it to your local currency once the charge goes through.
(And on the topic of being international, Fibre Arts Take Two, the course producers, are based in Australia… hence the spelling of things like fibre, realise and enrol!)

Absolutely! All of the course content is fully responsive so it will work regardless of whether you’re on a computer or mobile device.

If you have more technical questions or cannot join the student group, you can contact support@fibreartstaketwo.com 

Yes we do. We offer closed captions in English, Spanish, German and French.


Belief in oneself comes in many forms. For me, it has been an ongoing journey of discovery on so many levels as I searched to understand my own visual language and, more importantly, by acknowledging the forks in my road along the way. 

As a storyteller, my approach is to share my own personal experiences, drawing from my 40-plus years of exhibiting as a professional artist and tutor by sharing how the good, the bad and the sometimes ugly impacted my work. Along the way, I found my artistic voice, and I am so eager to help you find yours. To trust your instincts is the beginning to connect with your unique qualities. 

My desire in this course is for you to let go of the preconceived ideas of the concept of ‘that perfect way of working’, by embracing the unknown as we push through some boundaries and expectations of ourselves as artists. There is a real sense of richness in the freedom of sharing these skills that come in many forms as we learn from each other.

I will take you through many processes, and we will be brave and break some rules along the way.

Most importantly, I want you to take your time and try not to compare yourself to others. We all work differently, and there will be times when you connect strongly to a process. 

It starts with such excitement by making your own set of hand made brushes with that perfectly imperfect approach and a desire to play. Add a bit of zen with a ‘what if and why not' attitude to grow and become the artist that you strive to be. 



Not the course you're looking for?
Take a look at the other online art courses we have available!