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We are excited to welcome you to The Way of Wabi Sabi Collage with Donna Watson. To get started, simply complete your details below, select your payment option and click submit. You’ll then be directed to a secure payment page to complete your enrolment.
Should you watch less than 10% of the course content within 7 days of your purchase and not be satisfied with the quality of this production, we will process a full refund. For further information, please see our terms and conditions.
Payment Plan Option
The Way of Wabi Sabi Collage aims to help you find your creative voice and uncover the endless ways you can express what truly matters to you through collage.
6 modules, 8 hours of footage and 8 weeks of ongoing guidance from Donna, you’ll learn how to:
- Unlock your creativity with wabi-sabi
- Discover old new techniques
- Uncover your personal artistic identity
Fibre Arts Take Two offer:
- Lifetime course access
- Beautifully filmed content
- Easy to use online learning platform
- 100% risk free guarantee